[KOTRA] Dae Chang Metal co., Ltd, No.1 World Market Share in Shipbuild… 페이지 정보 작성일 20-10-30 14:02 본문 출처:http://kotraseal.kotra.or.kr/excellence/eng/content/01.jsp?menu_id=en_comm_05&board_name=sstory&viewType=VIEW&idx=569Dae Chang Metal, with over 60% world market share, thecompany possesses the best technological skills for producing MBS (Main BearingSupport), a core component of ship engines. With such background, 25% of itstotal production is being re-exported to Japan, a nation strong inproduction of component materials. Thus the company has earned recognition andreliability from ship engine production companies around the world and shippingclassification inspection agencies.Established in 1953, gone through various obstacles, DaeChang Metal was able to overcome the difficulties through technologicaldevelopments. Especially, by using artificial ceramic sand rather than normalsand, when mending the casting frame, it allows to make a smoother surface andreduce time & financial expenses.In 2002, done first in the world, the company succeededin receiving the experimental certification of component destruction for itsK98MC Type MBS product. In addition, company was awarded for its efforts intechnology innovations as follow: 2005 it received the Prime Minister Award;2006 chosen as a world first-class product manufacturing company; and 2008received the presidential award.Dae Chang Metal continues to accumulate technologies inorder to innovate excellent products and to introduce new products that fit theneeds and wants of the customers. They have finalized its cast steel product(CYLINDER COVER, PISTON CROWN, CON ROD) development that has been produced fromits own R&D and also by governmental development supports. Currently, thecompany is in development of off shore plant -use sheaves and localization ofits cast steel products.Furthermore, other than shipbuilding plants, Dae ChangMetal is expanding its business field by producing generator equipmentcomponents, industrial machineries, and continuously investing in manufacturingfacilities. By the newly established Ul-Ju factory in 2009, its annualproduction size has increased to 45,000t and now is preparing for refiningfacilities that would allow INGOT production. [KOTRA Seal of Excellence awardedcompany]Company Name : DAECHANG METALSerialNumber: 2010-026-01 목록 이전글[국제신문] 新사업 엔진 향토기업 질주 20.10.30 다음글[부산일보] 동북아 최대 기계종합전 부산국제기계대전 개막 20.10.30